MASTAF: A Model-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Attention Fusion Network for Few-shot Video Classification

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Citation of Original Publication

Liu, Xin, Huanle Zhang, Hamed Pirsiavash, and Xin Liu. “MASTAF: A Model-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Attention Fusion Network for Few-Shot Video Classification.” In 2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2507–16, 2023.


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We propose MASTAF, a Model-Agnostic SpatioTemporal Attention Fusion network for few-shot video classification. MASTAF takes input from a general video spatial and temporal representation,e.g., using 2D CNN, 3D CNN, and Video Transformer. Then, to make the most of such representations, we use self- and cross-attention models to highlight the critical spatio-temporal region to increase the inter-class variations and decrease the intra-class variations. Last, MASTAF applies a lightweight fusion network and a nearest neighbor classifier to classify each query video. We demonstrate that MASTAF improves the state-of-the-art performance on three few-shot video classification benchmarks(UCF101, HMDB51, and Something-Something-V2), e.g., by up to 91.6%, 69.5%, and 60.7% for five-way one-shot video classification, respectively.