Un Rêve Français à la Lumière de l'Art Japonais Pendant le 19ème Siècle au début du 20ème Siècle


Author/Creator ORCID




Global Languages and Cultures


Hood College Departmental Honors

Citation of Original Publication


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States


How Japanese art before the fall of the Shogun influenced French art during the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The styles of French art that were directly influenced by Japanese pottery, poetry, and woodblocks like Impressionisme and Post-Impressionisme. Certain artists like Claude Monet, Henri Riviere, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec heavily admired the vastness of Japanese art. Also, the concept of art called "Japonisme", which is a concept that directly correlates the Western influence from the Japanese culture, art, and way of life. Comparing artworks from famous Japanese artists before the fall of the Shogun in 1865 that were direct influencers of artists in the West; France, Germany, Britain, Belgium, etc.