The Design and Evaluation of a Wearable Prototype to Support Non-Visual Wayfinding





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In this paper, we describe the design of a low-cost wearable prototype de-signed to support wayfinding in scenarios where the visual channel is blocked, restricted or not available (e.g., for nighttime travel, for users with visual impairments). Tactile cues are presented to convey the proximity of obstacles along the user’s route. If obstacles are determined to be impeding the user’s path, corrective action can then be taken. The prototype can detect obstacles at points surrounding the user. It also provides awareness of ob-stacles both above and below waist height. A preliminary evaluation was undertaken with seven blindfolded participants, who traversed a route using the prototype. Once the task was completed, they were then asked to illus-trate the position of objects along their path. Findings from the study have revealed the promise offered by the prototype to support non-visual way-finding, as participants were able to determine the position of multiple ob-jects, including those in close proximity to one another. Further work will focus on refinement of the detection algorithm, and examine ways to reduce overload in environments where multiple obstacles are present.