The Effects of Student Choice on Reading Comprehension and Stamina
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Masters of Education
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of using self-selection of books to increase the students’ ability to comprehend and the amount of time spent reading during reader’s workshop. The kindergarteners (n=15) began reading independently by selecting their own books from the classroom library or reading the books provided by the teacher. This study included a pretest and post-test for reading level eight periodic measures of reading stamina to compare data from March 2021 to April 2021. The measurement tools were observation and the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment. There were no statistically significant gains using self-selection of books during reader’s workshop, however, there are many intervening factors that attribute to the data. In the future, the use of self-selection of books should continue to be researched due to the opposing opinions of its benefits towards reading comprehension and stamina.