The contribution of a large baseline intersatellite link to relativistic metrology
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G. Cascioli, F. D. Marchi, A. Genova, L. Iess, D. E. Smith and M. T. Zuber, "The contribution of a large baseline intersatellite link to relativistic metrology," 2019 IEEE 5th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace), Turin, Italy, 2019, pp. 579-583, doi: 10.1109/MetroAeroSpace.2019.8869641.
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— The precise estimation of helio- and fundamental
physics parameters is essential for an accurate modeling of the
solar system. The enhancement of radio tracking performances
will enable unprecedented measurements of celestial mechanics,
approaching the ultimate limits attainable with a single
planetary mission. We report in this study the results of our
numerical simulations with a novel interplanetary mission
configuration composed of two probes at different planets able
to establish, apart from a classical ranging link with the Earth,
an inter-satellite ranging link. It is shown how this configuration
allows constraining planetary positions much more tightly
compared with the case of Earth-based measurements only,
leading to a very precise retrieval of fundamental and
heliophysics parameters. Through the analysis of an extensive
set of simulations we investigate the applicability and the
beneficial effects that a large baseline intersatellite link
introduces in the estimation process and we show that such a
mission concept performs better than any other single-probe
planetary mission with the same measurement accuracy. In
particular we demonstrate that over short timescales (<2 years)
the gain in terms accuracy in the retrieval of the parameters of
interest is considerable and might lead to unprecedented
improvements in terms of fundamental physics and solar system