The Effects of Acid Precipitation Upon the Hatching Rate of the Eggs and the Survival Rate of the Larvae of the Spotted Salamander, Ambystoma maculatum.
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Hood College Biology
Human Sciences
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Acid precipitation has been shown to have a significant impact on the environment through its effect on the pH of aquatic systems. In the present study, laboratory and field experiments were conducted on eggs of the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, that were maintained in pond water at pH levels ranging from 3 to 7. The results showed that A. maculatum eggs do not hatch at levels below pH 4. Larvae hatching at pH 4 were deformed and their survival rate was low. Hatching rates of eggs and survival rates of larvae were highest at pH 5 and pH 6. Analysis of the data showed significant differences (P = .05) between most of the pH levels tested for both hatching rates and survival rates. The results of this study are relevant to the preservation of some of the endangered species which are also temporary pond breeders, such as the
Jefferson salamander.