Multi-Layer Recurrent Neural Networks for the Classification of Compton Camera Based Imaging Data for Proton Beam Cancer Treatment
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Proton beam therapy is a unique form of radiotherapy that utilizes protons to treat cancer by irradiating
cancerous tumors, while avoiding unnecessary radiation exposure
to surrounding healthy tissues. Real-time imaging of the proton
beam can make this form of therapy more precise and safer
for the patient during delivery. The use of Compton cameras is
one proposed method for the real-time imaging of prompt gamma
rays that are emitted by the proton beams as they travel through
a patient’s body. Unfortunately, some of the Compton camera
data is flawed and the reconstruction algorithm yields noisy and
insufficiently detailed images to evaluate the proton delivery for
the patient. Previous work used a deep residual fully connected
neural network. The use of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) has
been proposed, since they use recurrence relationships to make
potentially better predictions. In this work, RNN architectures
using two different recurrent layers are tested, the LSTM and the
GRU. Although the deep residual fully connected neural network
achieves over 75% testing accuracy and our models achieve only
over 73% testing accuracy, the simplicity of our RNN models
containing only 6 hidden layers as opposed to 512 is a significant
advantage. Importantly in a clinical setting, the time to load the
model from disk is significantly faster, potentially enabling the
use of Compton camera image reconstruction in real-time during
patient treatment.