Remnants, Remainders, Ghosts, and Continuities: Walking a Shimmering Landscape

Author/Creator ORCID




Visual Arts


Imaging and Digital Arts

Citation of Original Publication


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"Remnants, Remainders, Ghosts, and Continuities: Walking a Shimmering Landscape” excavates the invisible histories in the landscape of Hollins Market, Baltimore, and presents two means of investigating this place. The first is a text, image, and found object installation at the Center for Art Design and Visual Culture. The second, a site-specific, self-guided walking tour of Hollins Market, was launched on April 13, 2019, at the Lions Brothers Company Building. In this written theses, I will chart the methodologies I employed as I investigated histories within, and my relationship to, the landscape of Southwest Baltimore. My narration both offers observations and poses questions in order to facilitate a method of not only seeing, but being, belonging, and experiencing wonder within concrete spaces. By literally mapping this process, and by staging actual interactions with the places I have navigated, I invite viewers to begin their own process of situating, discovering, and placing themselves in shared space.