Nano-Cavity QED with Tunable Nano-Tip Interaction
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May, M.A., Fialkow, D., Wu, T., Park, K.-D., Leng, H., Kropp, J.A., Gougousi, T., Lalanne, P., Pelton, M. and Raschke, M.B. (2020), Nano-Cavity QED with Tunable Nano-Tip Interaction. Adv. Quantum Technol., 3: 1900087.
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: May, M.A., Fialkow, D., Wu, T., Park, K.-D., Leng, H., Kropp, J.A., Gougousi, T., Lalanne, P., Pelton, M. and Raschke, M.B. (2020), Nano-Cavity QED with Tunable Nano-Tip Interaction. Adv. Quantum Technol., 3: 1900087., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Quantum state control of two-level emitters is fundamental for many information processing, metrology, and sensing applications. However, quantum-coherent photonic control of solid-state emitters has traditionally been limited to cryogenic environments, which are not compatible with implementation in scalable, broadly distributed technologies. In contrast, plasmonic nano-cavities with deep sub-wavelength mode volumes have recently emerged as a path toward room temperature quantum control. However, optimization, control, and modeling of the cavity mode volume are still in their infancy. Here recent demonstrations of plasmonic tip-enhanced strong coupling (TESC) with a configurable nano-tip cavity are extended to perform a systematic experimental investigation of the cavity-emitter interaction strength and its dependence on tip position, augmented by modeling based on both classical electrodynamics and a quasinormal mode framework. Based on this work, a perspective for nano-cavity optics is provided as a promising tool for room temperature control of quantum coherent interactions that could spark new innovations in fields from quantum information and quantum sensing to quantum chemistry and molecular opto-mechanics.