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Hood College Biology
Biomedical and Environmental Science
Citation of Original Publication
Clostridium botulinum is an anaerobic, spore forming bacterium producing a
neurotoxin that is one of the most poisonous substances known. The toxin is synthesized
as a single polypeptide chain of approximately 150 kilodaltons (kDa). Upon release from
the bacterium, the polypeptide is processed by endogenous host proteases to generate two
disulfide-linked fragments. The heavy chain (100kDa) is involved in cell binding and
penetration, while the light chain (50kDa) is responsible for intracellular activity. The toxin
exerts its effect at the neuromuscular junction by blocking the release of acetylcholine via a
zinc-dependent protease activity, resulting in flaccid paralysis. There are seven different
serotypes of botulinum neurotoxin, A-G.
An Investigative New Drug (IND) vaccine is currently available to protect
laboratory personnel and others at high risk from botulinum toxin poisoning, but a Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine does not exist. The vaccine is a
formaldehyde-inactivated culture supernatant from C. botulinum grown in fermentors. The
IND vaccine is costly to produce and poses a risk to scientists producing the vaccine. In
addition, only five of the seven serotypes are represented in the vaccine. Lastly, some of
the serotypes are derived from strains that do not produce high levels of toxin in culture,
making purification and toxoiding laborious. Therefore, the development of a new
generation of botulinum vaccine is imperative.
The botulinum toxins are the most potent natural toxins known (Mebs, D. and F.
Hucho 1990). Because of its toxicity, botulinum neurotoxin research has focused on the
development of a nontoxic fragment-based vaccine. A synthetic gene encoding the 50kDa
carboxyl terminal fragment of botulinum type A (bntAC-1) has been synthesized and the
protein has been expressed (Tic). Preliminary immunological studies have demonstrated
that this protein confers protection to higher levels than those achieved with the currently
available vaccine (Clayton, et al. 1995). Advantages of using the synthetic gene include
ease of production, efficacy, and potency. However, the use of proteins requires
Recent research has demonstrated the possibility that DNA in a vector can serve as a
vaccine candidate. Studies with influenza genes have shown that intramuscular injection of
this "naked DNA" can be taken up by muscle cells of mice. The encoded protein is then
expressed and antibodies to the viral protein are made by the animal. Animals subsequently
challenged with a lethal dose of influenza A had a 90% survival rate (Ulmer, et al. 1993).
Following the example of intramuscular injection of influenza genes, this research used the
synthetic gene for the Fic fragment of botulinum type A, in an analogous expression system
to determine the efficacy of this novel vaccine technology.
The possibility that intramuscular injection of DNA encoding the Hc fragment of
botulinum toxin would confer immunity to mice was explored. The bntAC-1 gene, after
modification, was cloned into one of two separate regions of the pCMVint-BL vector, each
of which was optimized for either intracellular or extracellular secretion. Mice were
immunized with either construct, or with vector DNA only, and then challenged with
botulinum toxin. As much as 82% survival was observed in mice immunized with the
construct optimized for extracellular secretion. Results of these immunizations were
compared to conventional immunizations with the Hc fragment obtained from heterologous
expression systems. Protection levels following a challenge with botulinum toxin were not
as high in mice immunized with DNA in comparison with mice immunized with the
conventional fic fragment. In addition, antibody levels of immunized animals were
measured against whole botulinum toxin and against purified Hc using enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Previously, Hc had never been utilized in ELISA.
Overall, titers were higher in the animals who survived a challenge with botulinum toxin.