The Spokesman, Sep 26, 1991 - Vol. 41, No. 1
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Freedom of Speech Incident: The issue opens with a discussion of a September 19, 1991, incident at Morgan State University, dubbed "Madness at Murphy." During a visit by Governor William Donald Schaefer, there was a conflict over students' right to express disapproval, with some students being forcibly removed. The article questions whether free speech is truly protected on campus when political figures visit. Students claim police overreacted, causing injuries to several people, including a six-month-old child.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: Another major section discusses the controversial nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. The article presents his biography and his positions on racial quotas, affirmative action, and self-help. Thomas' nomination was divisive within the Black community, with some African American organizations opposing his confirmation, while a significant portion of the Black public supported him.
Panhandling in Baltimore: An opinion piece humorously critiques the increasing sophistication of panhandlers in Baltimore, providing examples of individuals using creative pitches to ask for money, such as a woman claiming to need diapers for a child and a man holding a gas can, both of whom are suspected to be conning people.
African American Representation in Media: A report discusses the underrepresentation of Black actors, actresses, and executives in the U.S. film and television industry. The report highlights that many prominent Black performers, especially women, struggle to find roles, and that decision-making positions in Hollywood remain overwhelmingly dominated by white males.
Editorial on Racial Harmony: An editorial expresses frustration over frequent fighting at college events, particularly among African American students. It calls for unity and maturity, stressing that conflicts over trivial matters, such as stepping on someone's shoes at a party, detract from the bigger issues the community faces.
Columbus and the Impact on Indigenous People: An article challenges the traditional narrative of Christopher Columbus as a discoverer, highlighting the devastating impact his arrival had on indigenous populations. It criticizes the mythologizing of Columbus' achievements, emphasizing the destruction he brought to the Americas, including genocide and slavery.