Attractors and Determining Functionals for A Flutter Model: Finite Dimensionality Out of Thin Air
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Justin T. Webster, Attractors and Determining Functionals for A Flutter Model: Finite Dimensionality Out of Thin Air, Analysis of PDEs, 2019,
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We establish the effective {\em finite dimensionality} of the dynamics corresponding to a flow-plate interaction PDE model arising in aeroelasticity: a nonlinear panel, in the absence of rotational inertia, immersed in an inviscid potential flow. An intrinsic component of the analysis is the study of a plate equation with a {\it delay} term---a fundamentally non-gradient dynamics. First, we construct a compact global attractor and observe that the attractor is smooth, with finite fractal dimension in the state space. Secondly, by fattening the attractor, we obtain an exponential attractor, though with finite dimension only in an extended space. Lastly, we show that a finite set of {\em determining functionals} exists by considering the {\em completeness defect} for some practical functionals on H20(Ω) (e.g., nodes, modes, and averages). The primary tool here is the recent quasi-stability theory of Chueshov and Lasiecka. All of the main results require {\em no imposed structural damping}, as dissipative effects are contributed by the flow through the coupling. In the final section, we discuss additional results and conjectures when imposed structural damping is present.