The Cycic Friends Network: getting Cyc agents to reason together
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James Mayfield, Tim Finin, Rajkumar Narayanaswamy, Chetan Shah, William MacCartney, and Keith Goolsbey, The Cycic Friends Network: getting Cyc agents to reason together, Proceedings of the ACM CIKM Intelligent Information Agents Workshop, 1995,
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We describe the initial results of a project aimed at adapting the Cyc system for use in an
agent architecture. Two Cyc systems that share a large common core of knowledge but
differ in additional knowledge they possess were able to reason together to solve problems
that neither could solve on its own. A rudimentary interface was constructed for Cyc that
allowed it to communicate with other KQML-speaking agents. The Cyc reasoning
algorithm was modified to allow it to ask other agents for help in developing a proof to
answer a query. We were able to demonstrate that Cyc can be adapted to work in an agentoriented
architecture and to get several Cyc-based agents to reason in a tightly-coupled
manner. A number of interesting research issues remain concerning how to do so