Teaching Somewhat Serious Games

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Type of Work


Towson University, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice


Citation of Original Publication

Durington, M. (2017). Teaching Somewhat Serious Games. In S. G. Collins, J. Dumit, M. Durington, E. Gonzalez-Tennant, K. Harper, M. Lorenc, N. Mizer, and A. Salter (Eds.), Gaming Anthropology: A Sourcebook from #AnthropologyCon (pp. 22-25). American Anthropological Association. Retrieved from https://anthropologyconorg.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/gaming-anthropology.pdf



Durington writes, "I am biased to the awkward moments in ethnography when anthropologists are put into sticky situations and ethical dilemmas. These moments are often the crux of fieldwork and their successful navigation can determine the success or failure of that endeavor. In addition, these often become epiphanies for the anthropologist and the reader. They are also great teaching moments. Why not move these uncomfortable situations and conversations into a game? Why not make Cards Against Humanity into Cards Against Anthropology? For the next several weeks we designed Anthropology Games and this teaching unit has become a permanent part of my curriculum".