On the Limits of Learning a Discrete Memoryless Communication Channel
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M. A. Tope and J. M. Morris, "On the Limits of Learning a Discrete Memoryless Communication Channel," MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Rockville, MD, USA, 2022, pp. 222-228, doi: 10.1109/MILCOM55135.2022.10017597.
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This paper explores bounds on the minimum number of channel probes required to learn sufficient information
to establish reliable communication at a given communication
rate (below channel capacity) for a discrete memoryless channel.
Given a set of discrete channel input-output sample pairs (where
for each discrete input value, the associated aggregate set of discrete output values observations is multinomially distributed), we
leverage a non-asymptotic probably approximately correct (PAC)
bound on the mutual information (channel capacity) between the
label (discrete) random variable (RV) and the observation RV to
establish a convergence rate for the worst case channel. Previous
bounds (such as those based on Sanov’s Theorem) provide high
probability (i.e. PAC) bounds on the true mutual information
that converge with rate O(log(N)/
N), where N is the number
of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples used
to compute the empirical probability mass functions. Using
an improved PAC sublevel-set bound, we sharpen the rate of
convergence to O(
log(log(N)) log(N)/N).