Language Assessment Literacy and Formative Assessment in Indonesian EFL Education: A Study of Assessment Policy, Teaching Materials, and Teacher Practices Under Kurikulum Merdeka


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English education in Indonesia has long been subjected to a centralized education system characterized by large-scale summative testing. However, in recent years, the Indonesian government has made significant strides towards decentralizing the education system. As one of the major decentralization efforts, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) implemented a new national curriculum titled Kurikulum Merdeka. Translated as either ?Freedom Curriculum? or "Independent Curriculum," Kurikulum Merdeka places increased emphasis on teacher autonomy, student-centered teaching, and formative assessment. It remains unseen, however, if teachers are prepared for this shift. This thesis investigates the extent to which Kurikulum Merdeka supports language assessment literacy (LAL) and formative assessment practices and to which it aligns with secondary school English teachers? language assessment training needs and practices. It combines qualitative analysis of assessment policy, curriculum documents, and English subject materials with quantitative analysis of teachers? self-reported language assessment training needs and formative assessment practices. The results demonstrate that although both LAL and formative assessment are well-supported throughout Kurikulum Merdeka and its English subject materials, several key assessment concepts could receive more attention, including some in which teachers reported a need for more training. The results of this thesis can inform Kemendikbud in providing guidance and assessment training to English teachers.