“This will likely affect his entire life”: Parents’ Views of Special Education Services During COVID-19
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SonnenSchein, Susan et al. “This will likely affect his entire life”: Parents’ Views of Special Education Services During COVID-19. International Journal of Educational Research (Feb. 4, 2022), 101941. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2022.101941
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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Research continues to emerge about the impact of COVID-19 on education; however, reports about the impact on students receiving special education services are more limited. This study examined parental views of distance learning for students with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis. Using a survey disseminated via social media, we examined parents’ views (N = 153) of PK-12 education for students receiving special education services during COVID-19. Results indicated three main themes: (1) special education and related service hours were decreased during virtual learning; (2) parents reported that their children were unable to participate in virtual learning without significant adult support; (3) parents often were unable to provide their children with assistance due to other commitments including work and childcare.