Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Improvement with Graph Neural Networks
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S. Dasgupta, A. Piplai, P. Ranade and A. Joshi, "Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Improvement with Graph Neural Networks," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2021, pp. 3290-3297, doi: 10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9672062.
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Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs (CKGs) help in
aggregating information about cyber-events. CKGs combined
with reasoning and querying systems such as SPARQL enable
security researchers to look up information about past cyberevents
that is helpful in understanding future cyber-events or
drawing similarity with a known cyber-event recorded in a
CKG. CKGs have assertions in the form of semantic triples. The
triples describe a relationship between a subject and object, both
of which are cybersecurity entities. The quality of information
present in the CKG depends on the data source. Since data
sources can have varying degrees of reliability, we need a
score that should help us benchmark the veracity of the CKG
assertions. Verifying the information asserted in the CKG is a
challenging task. In this paper, we describe a novel method that
associates a score with the semantic triples asserted in the CKG
using deep learning. We use semantic triples that we know are
correct, in a supervised machine learning algorithm that produces
the output for each relationship. In particular, we use Graph
Convolutional Neural Networks (GCN) on a dataset of CKGs
that can be used to ascertain the scores for each semantic triple.