Efficient Product Inventory Maintenance for Black Friday Sale via Spark Big Data System

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Chhaya Kulkarni, Kavitha Loganathan Sundara Rajan, Xin Wang, Efficient Product Inventory Maintenance for Black Friday Sale via Spark Big Data System ,http://hpcf-files.umbc.edu/research/papers/IS789_Project_Report-HPCF-2019-30.pdf


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Black Friday fever attracts customers from far and wide. Excitement also leads to frantic chaos for e-commerce websites. To help ease the burden on the e-commerce companies managing the traffic as well as inventory is of utmost importance. An environment that emulates the Black Friday sale can be created well using Spark Streaming component. Spark SQL and Dataframes can be used to carry out operations and store data. We have attempted to see how we can effectively handle the inventory using Spark components.