Prompt and Prompt-Fading Procedures





Citation of Original Publication

Schnell, L.K., Cengher, M., Kisamore, A.N. (2023). Prompt and Prompt-Fading Procedures. In: Matson, J.L. (eds) Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis. Autism and Child Psychopathology Series. Springer, Cham.


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Prompts are supplemental stimuli that evoke correct responding and are critical in teaching individuals three-term contingencies. To facilitate the development of three-term contingencies, the instructor needs to program transfer of stimulus control from the prompts to the natural discriminative stimuli. Different prompt-fading procedures are used to achieve this goal. In this chapter, we will describe prompts and prompt-fading procedures and will review the empirical research behind their effectiveness, efficiency, and learner preference. We will review variables that instructors need to consider when selecting prompts and prompt-fading procedures, as well as instructions on how to develop individualized assessments of such variables for learners.