Perceptions of Upward Bound's Influence on the Academic Outcomes of African American Male Program Participants and Descriptions of Their Identity Status


Author/Creator ORCID



Type of Work


Higher Education Program


Doctor of Philosophy

Citation of Original Publication



The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of African American male Upward Bound participants to determine their identity status and to document their perceptions of Upward Bound’s influence on their academic outcomes. This study examined the experiences of eight African American male Upward Bound participants at Southeastern State University, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in a southeastern state. The participants were asked to respond to semi-structured interview questions during three separate interviews. Their interviews were analyzed and coded for common themes using Marica’s Theory of Identity Status and Bush and Bushes African American Male Theory as the lenses. The themes that were developed from the code frequency chart were “Motivation to Work Harder,” “Emotional Support,” “Positive Influence,” “Role Models,” “Aspirations to Succeed,” and “Participation in Extracurricular Activities.” The experiences of each participant varied slightly, and their perceptions of Upward Bound’s influence on their academic outcomes were relatively consistent.