Service Discovery in the Future Electronic Market
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Harry Chen, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Liang Xu, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin, Service Discovery in the Future Electronic Market, AAAI Technical Report WS-00-04,
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The trend that the electronic market is taking,
aided by the concomitant development of mobile
devices, suggests a major change from the
way electronic commerce is done today. The increased
use of PDAs and laptops requires that ecommerces
ervices and transaction processing facilities
need to be accessed from a wireless device.
This brings new and challenging research problems
into the picture. Discovering services dynamically
will become increasingly important in the mobile
e-commerce scenario. A service will be selected
automatically for a job, taking into consideration
its physical location, "context" and other semantic
information. To support this scenario, the existing
discovery mechanismsn eed to moveb eyond trivial
attribute or interface matching. They would need
to be much more knowledge based. In this paper,
we present a summaryo f the existing service discovery
protocols and the work that we have done
in the service discovery area in our quest to make
service discovery more dynamic.