Combining CTT and Rasch analyses to examine cross-cultural validity

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Master of Science

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During cross-cultural scale validation, it is important that any measurement tool used is reliable and valid across cultures. Classical test theory (CTT) is the most common method used, but Rasch analysis has become more common. In some cases, both methods are used. This study examines the utility of using both CTT and Rasch analysis in the process of cross-cultural scale validation. The responses to Values scale of the 2008 East Asian Social Survey were used for analysis. This scale consists of five subscales: Patriarchy/Gender Roles, Harmony, In-group Orientation, Hierarchy/Authority, and Uncertainty Avoidance/Risk-Taking. Both analyses showed issues with the subscales, but CTT indicated more issues than Rasch analyses. This indicates that the scale has psychometric issues and utilizing both types of analyses produced a more comprehensive indication of possible issues. Going forward, multiple methods for scale validation would provide additional evidence when creating instruments for cross-cultural measurement.