Mangrove forest cover and change in the mangrove biome
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Hamilton, S. E., & Casey, D. (2016). Creation of a high spatio-temporal resolution global database of continuous mangrove forest cover for the 21st century (CGMFC-21). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25(6), 729-738. doi:10.1111/geb.12449.
TEOW. This raster dataset represents mangrove forest cover and mangrove forest change annually from 2000 – 2012 inclusive. The attribute value is m2 (stored as a 16 bit unsigned integer value) of mangrove cover for each pixel. The resolution is x = 0.000277778°, y = 0.000277778° or approximately 30m2 within the tropics. Attribute tables are provided. The definition of mangrove is all areas of the globe defined as in the mangrove biome by (Olson et al., 2001). The continuous data cover for subsequent years is derived from (Hansen et al. 2013). Each raster is ~618 GB when uncompressed and the entire database is ~9TB when uncompressed. The data is provided in ArcGIS file geodatabase format with both LZW lossless compression applied to the raw raster data and jpg compression applied to the pyramids. Database compression and compaction has also been applied. The actual geodatabase size is ~4.5GB. The reference system is WGS 1984, WKID: 4326 Authority: EPSG. These data are reported by country in the accompanying spreadsheet under the heading BIOME. Please check for updates.