A Qualitative Investigation of Psychological Sense of Community in Palestine


Author/Creator ORCID







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This study is a qualitative investigation of Psychological Sense of Community (PSOC) in Palestine. It seeks to shed light on PSOC and collective action in an oppressive context, while centering participants' meanings. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Palestinians, then interview transcripts were analyzed to find the underlying themes of PSOC in Palestine and its impact on members' collective actions. Themes from the data help paint a picture of resilience under Israeli occupation, contributing to broader psychological literature and to specific interventions in Palestine that leverage inter and intrapersonal strengths. Findings highlight the complexity of PSOC under occupation, wherein most participants felt PSOC to the Palestinian community, particularly during moments of Israeli crimes. Additionally, participants' PSOC was tied to their relationship to their land, which is under constant threat. PSOC had a bidirectional relationship to collective action, where participants felt PSOC moved them to participate, which reinforced this sense for them.