Valuation Of The Impacts Of Road Diet Implementation: Wilson Boulevard Road Diet, Arlington County Virginia
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Master of Science
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Arlington County DOT initiated a road diet on a segment of Wilson Blvd in 2014 after receiving a number of complaints from residents on high travel speed and pedestrian's safety issues. This project was finally implemented in 2015 as a pilot project and just after its completion additional complaints were received from residents about safety issues along the project area and nearby neighborhoods. At this juncture, a reevaluation of the outcome of the project was necessary in order to determine if the expected outcomes from the pre-study before the road diet implementation were archived. This was the main objective for this study. After analysis of before and after data collected in the project area, it was found that the project objectives could be said to have been met. To come to this conclusion traffic, safety and public perceptions were evaluated using prior conditions as a baseline. This was concluded by taking into consideration the time this evaluation study is being conducted after the project completion which was approximately one year. It was also found that the claim presented by residents about cut through traffic on the neighborhood roads was not justified. The study indicated that before the project, there has always been cut through traffic but after the project, these cut through traffic was increased but not significant and therefore a could not have been made attributing the slight cut through traffic increase on the road diet. But in overall, the implementation of the road diet can be said to have a positive impact on the neighborhoods and safety have also been greatly improved therefore meeting the objectives of the project.