Empathy and Adverse Childhood Experiences' Role in Choice of Major


Author/Creator ORCID



Type of Work


Social Work


Hood College Departmental Honors

Citation of Original Publication


Attribution 3.0 United States


Prior research suggests that those pursuing college majors with the intent of helping others may be more likely to have higher levels of empathy, and a higher average of adverse childhood experiences. In turn, these experiences may be a motivational factor for a person to select a certain type of major. This study evaluates the number of adverse childhood experiences that undergraduate students majoring in social work, nursing, and psychology have endured in their lifetime. In addition, empathy is quantified as a variable using an Emotional Intelligence Index to analyze a possible relationship with adverse childhood experiences. Analysis suggests that those who have a college major focused on helping others may have elevated levels of emotional intelligence and may have a higher average of adverse childhood experiences.