Affective Physiological State Analysis and Interpretable Predictive Modeling of Marksmanship in Go/NoGo VR ShootingDifficulty Task
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Pratiher, Sawon; Sahoo, Karuna P.; Acharya, Mrinal; Radhakrishnan, Ananth; ALAM, SAZEDUL; Kerick, Scott E.; et al. (2022): Affective Physiological State Analysis and Interpretable Predictive Modeling of Marksmanship in Go/NoGo VR Shooting Difficulty Task. TechRxiv. Preprint.
This work was written as part of one of the author's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 U.S.C. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under U.S. Law.
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Overburdening an individual’s limited cognitive resources, especially when engaged in critical operations, may
result in disastrous mishaps. Regular assessments of individuals’
physiological states and associated performance become vital
to improving their mission readiness in such scenarios. As a
key step towards a field-ready system, this treatise discusses
the experimental findings pertinent to affective physiological
state modulation and predictive modeling of marksmanship
during a Go/NoGo shooting task in an immersive virtual reality
environment. The shooting exercise requires the participants to
hit the enemy targets and spare the friendly targets. The shooting
difficulty levels (SDLs) are introduced by modulating the subjectspecific target exposure time. The physiological signals used
for analysis comprise electrocardiogram (ECG), 64-channel electroencephalogram (EEG), and standard shooting performance
scores from 31 subjects. Experimental results with ECG features
encompass involuntary physiologic process regulation and the
interplay between the autonomic nervous system (ANS) components varying with SDL. Similarly, EEG features highlight the
variations in brain region activations with SDLs. Predictive modeling of shooting performance (enemy hit, friendly spare, overall
score) and behavioral response (mean enemy reaction time) from
physiological (ECG and EEG) features evince the potency of
physiological sensing for marksmanship estimation in operational
contexts. Moreover, interpretable Shapley value analysis of the
predictive models comprehend the (positive/negative) marginal
impact of the underlying physiological features on marksmanship. This multimodal physiological sensing framework may
assess the alterations in psychophysiological affective states and
cognitive effects for performance analysis in operational contexts.