Audiovisual Lexical Retrieval Deficits Following Left Hemisphere Stroke
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Brenda Hanna-Pladdy, Hyun Choi , Brian Herman and Spenser Haffey, Audiovisual Lexical Retrieval Deficits Following Left Hemisphere Stroke, Brain Sci. 2018, 8(12), 206;
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Binding sensory features of multiple modalities of what we hear and see allows formation of a coherent percept to access semantics. Previous work on object naming has focused on visual confrontation naming with limited research in nonverbal auditory or multisensory processing. To investigate neural substrates and sensory effects of lexical retrieval, we evaluated healthy adults (n = 118) and left hemisphere stroke patients (LHD, n = 42) in naming manipulable objects across auditory (sound), visual (picture), and multisensory (audiovisual) conditions. LHD patients were divided into cortical, cortical–subcortical, or subcortical lesions (CO, CO–SC, SC), and specific lesion location investigated in a predictive model. Subjects produced lower accuracy in auditory naming relative to other conditions. Controls demonstrated greater naming accuracy and faster reaction times across all conditions compared to LHD patients. Naming across conditions was most severely impaired in CO patients. Both auditory and visual naming accuracy were impacted by temporal lobe involvement, although auditory naming was sensitive to lesions extending subcortically. Only controls demonstrated significant improvement over visual naming with the addition of auditory cues (i.e., multisensory condition). Results support overlapping neural networks for visual and auditory modalities related to semantic integration in lexical retrieval and temporal lobe involvement, while multisensory integration was impacted by both occipital and temporal lobe lesion involvement. The findings support modality specificity in naming and suggest that auditory naming is mediated by a distributed cortical–subcortical network overlapping with networks mediating spatiotemporal aspects of skilled movements producing sound.