LGBTQ+ Advertising: Who is it for?
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Political Science
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Has the structure of capitalism worked to benefit or harm minority groups in the United States? Do capitalist practices impact the motives behind progressive advertising? Capitalism influences all aspects of life with the goal of maximizing profit by any means necessary. Under this concept, the production of goods is focused solely on the acquisition of more capital. This practice impacts minority groups in that the effects of focusing on profit and the rising wealth of the already wealthy Americans is detrimental to the less fortunate groups. An interesting minority group that will be examined in this project will be the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) movement. While they also face the oppression of capitalism, their visibility as a social movement may be transcended by the practices of it. Marketing for the LGBTQ+ movement has been a popular trend as it becomes a growing group in American culture. This may be a profitable market for companies to participate in regardless of their moral standpoints towards the movement. Whether these advertisements and proclamations of LGBTQ+ support are genuine, they advance the movement and social awareness about it.
This project attempts to look at the reasons why companies advertise with same sex couples and support the LGBTQ+ movement. Is it because they are supportive and care about this minority group or because they are trying to turn a profit? Either way, is this beneficial to the movement or have a minimal effect?