RIS-Empowered Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks With PD-NOMA

dc.contributor.authorLiu, Rui
dc.contributor.authorGuo, Kefeng
dc.contributor.authorLi, Xingwang
dc.contributor.authorDev, Kapal
dc.contributor.authorKhowaja, Sunder Ali
dc.contributor.authorTsiftsis, Theodoros A.
dc.contributor.authorSong, Houbing
dc.description.abstractSatellite-aerial-terrestrial network (SATN) is considered as a promising architecture for sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication networks to achieve seamless coverage, flexible wireless access, and high data rate. Moreover, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), and reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) can significantly increase spectrum and energy efficiency. Recently, the integration of these two technologies and SATN has attracted a lot of attention both in academia and industry. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of RIS-empowered SATN with NOMA. In particular, the rudimentary knowledge of SATN, NOMA scheme, and RIS technology is presented. Then, the motivations for investigating the NOMA-RIS-assisted SATN are discussed. In addition, we introduce the three usage modes of RIS, two scenarios of NOMA-RIS, and the path loss model of NOMA-RIS-assisted SATN. Next, the system performance is analyzed for a case study. Besides, a comprehensive overview of resource allocation in NOMA-RIS-assisted SATN is provided, where theoretical and artificial intelligence-based methods are compared and analyzed. Moreover, physical layer security and covert communication are selected as two representative security techniques to be discussed in NOMA-RIS-aided SATN. Furthermore, the combination of other emerging technologies with NOMA-RIS-assisted SATN is investigated. Finally, this survey provides a detailed discussion of the main challenges and open issues that need to be deeply investigated from a practical point of view, including channel modeling, channel estimation, deployment strategies, and backhaul control.
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 62001517, and in part by the open research fund of National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory Southeast University under Grant, 2024D15. (The corresponding authors are Kefeng Guo and Xingwang Li, e-mail: guokefeng.cool@163.com, lixingwangbupt@gmail.com)
dc.format.extent32 pages
dc.genrejournal articles
dc.identifier.citationLiu, Rui, Kefeng Guo, Xingwang Li, Kapal Dev, Sunder Ali Khowaja, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, and Houbing Song. “RIS-Empowered Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks With PD-NOMA.” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2024, 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1109/COMST.2024.3393612.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Faculty Collection
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Information Systems Department
dc.rights© 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
dc.subjectFading channels
dc.subjectReconfigurable intelligent surfaces
dc.subjectResource management
dc.subjectWireless communication
dc.titleRIS-Empowered Satellite-Aerial-Terrestrial Networks With PD-NOMA


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