Simulating the effects of changes in P-selectin density on the PMN rolling mechanics
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Mechanical Engineering
Engineering, Mechanical
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Polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes, when rolling on endothelium, undergoes deformation, the PSGL-1 molecules form bonds with the P-selectin molecules on the surface of the endothelium in a linear shear field. We have studied the effects of P-selectin density on the bond formation and cell rolling mechanics using computational simulation and mathematical modeling. The PMN leukocyte is modeled as a 3-D deformable spherical capsule, in a Newtonian fluid, the receptor-mediated rolling of this capsule is simulated on a P-selectin coated surface. The results indicate the number of receptor-ligand bonds formed increases with an increase in the P-selectin, the rolling velocity decreases with an increase in the P-selectin density, a higher bond force is experienced by the capsule rolling on a surface with higher P-selectin density.