IMCDCF: An Incremental Malware Detection Approach Using Hidden Markov Models
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Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Dynamic malware analysis has become popular because it allows analysts to observe the behavior of
running samples, facilitating improved decisions for malware detection and classification. With the
increasing number of new malware, there is a growing need for an automated malware analysis engine
that can accurately detect malware samples. In this paper, we briefly introduce the malware detection
and classification approaches. Furthermore, we introduce a new malware detection and classification
framework that works specifically in the dynamic analysis setting, namely Incremental Malware
Detection and Classification Framework, or IMDCF. In this paper, we present a novel framework
designed specifically for the dynamic analysis setting, named the Incremental Malware Detection
and Classification Framework (IMDCF). IMDCF provides a end-to-end solution for general-purpose
malware detection and classification with 96.49% accuracy and simple architecture.