Do You Run The Risk for ITBS?
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Health and Sport Sciences
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is a common overuse injury that affects runners worldwide. ITBS is caused by the impingement of the Iliotibial band (1TB) within the condyles on the outside area of the knee that causes pain and tenderness. This pain hinders a runner's ability to complete long distance runs. Treatment of ITBS is often mismanaged because it is difficult to identify and there are many opinions on the best treatment method. I will examine common causes of this syndrome, treatments at home or during physical therapy, and the rate of the syndrome's re-occurrence. I will also explore treatment modalities that best help manage and treat the injury and also prevent it from occurring chronically. This research will present a clearer understanding and treatment of ITBS, so that individuals that suffer may be easily able to recognize the issue. ITBS is difficult to treat once it occurs. If not treated properly, the syndrome is more likely to have a higher rate of re-occurrence (9). Treatment options to decrease the occurrence of this syndrome will be addressed. It is anticipated that when treated properly by a health care professional, the rate of re-occurrence will dramatically decrease compared to at-home treatment or being left untreated.