The Effect of Participation in Extracurricular Activities on the Academic Achievement of High School Age Students


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Masters of Education

Citation of Original Publication


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Educators across the nation are trying to find a way to help all students reach their potential inside and outside of the classroom. With limited time during the school day, educators need to find a way to maximize the time that they do have. Over the years, research has shown that involvement in extracurricular activities (EA’s) has helped students with their GPA, attendance, and incidences leading to school referrals. For the following study, the researcher tracked the GPA, attendance, and referral rate of 517 students, 91 of whom were involved in fall EA’s, over three school quarters. The research hypothesis for the study was that involvement in EA’s would lead to higher GPA’s, lower absences, and fewer referrals. Data for all 517 students was retrieved from the county’s data system and processed. The results of the study showed that the sample students who did participate in EA’s maintained higher GPA’s and lower absences and referrals than participants in the study who were not involved in EA’s.