Development and Initial Testing of XR-Based Fence Diagrams for Polar Science
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UMBC Faculty Collection
UMBC Center for Space Sciences and Technology (CSST) / Center for Research and Exploration in Space Sciences & Technology II (CRSST II)
UMBC Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
UMBC Office for the Vice President of Research & Creative Achievement (ORCA)
UMBC Student Collection
UMBC Center for Space Sciences and Technology (CSST) / Center for Research and Exploration in Space Sciences & Technology II (CRSST II)
UMBC Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
UMBC Office for the Vice President of Research & Creative Achievement (ORCA)
UMBC Student Collection
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Citation of Original Publication
Tack, Naomi, Nicholas Holschuh, Sharad Sharma, Rebecca Williams, and Don Engel. “Development and Initial Testing of XR-Based Fence Diagrams for Polar Science.” IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 2023, 1541–44.
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Earth’s ice sheets are the largest contributor to sea level rise. For this reason, understanding the flow and topology of ice sheets is crucial for the development of accurate models and predictions. In order to aid in the generation of such models, ice penetrating radar is used to collect images of the ice sheet through both airborne and ground-based platforms. Glaciologists then take these images and visualize them in 3D fence diagrams on a flat 2D screen. We aim to consider the benefits that an XR visualization of these diagrams may provide to enable better data comprehension, annotation, and collaborative work. In this paper, we discuss our initial development and evaluation of such an XR system.