Multi-Contextual Learning : Analyzing Melt Over the Greenland Ice Sheet
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Kulkarni, Chhaya, Vandana Janeja, and Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel. “Multi-Contextual Learning : Analyzing Melt Over the Greenland Ice Sheet.” In IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 6736–39, 2023.
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Climate data related to polar regions has been extensively studied through model simulations, remote sensed images, and statistical analysis. Knowledge discovery tasks, if applied to the Arctic data, can capture the associations, anomalies, and interesting patterns and trends that exist in the data to inform the polar scientists. This can help improve the certainty in the models with better local information. In this study, we propose a framework that develops multi-contextual spatiotemporal neighborhoods, addressing spatial autocorrelation and heterogeneity taking into account data from multiple views or contexts, to identify local homogeneous regions across the entire Greenland Ice Sheet. Using these neighborhoods, we study how local regions in the Greenland ice sheet evolve over time. This framework can expand to include additional contextual variables and help polar scientists study local ice surface melt phenomena across multiple contexts. Novelty of our approach lies in its ability to consider the Greenland data from spatial, temporal and semantic contexts that allows us to build a comprehensive understanding of a specific phenomenon such as snowmelt.