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Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences
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Graded concentrations of diffusible signals, such as morphogens and chemoattractants, instruct important developmental processes, like cell specification
and cell migration. However, signal distribution in complex tissue geometries in vivo
has not been well characterized, which has implications in understanding
concentration-dependent signaling effects. Using the border cells, which migrate
collectively in the Drosophila egg chamber during oogenesis and are guided by
chemoattractants, we can study these important issues in vivo. We find that distinct
features in the tissue geometry along the migration route, specifically acellular gaps at
multicellular intersections, disrupt local concentrations of secreted chemoattractants
to affect directed border cell migration. In live-imaged wild-type egg chambers, we
observed declines in posterior speed that occur specifically at intersections; trends
that disappear in response to elevated levels of chemoattractant, suggesting that
migratory cues differ in these regions, normally. We developed a mathematical
model, informed by this data, to predict the migration changes in response to both
chemical and architectural inputs. Our model indicates that in silico, border cells slow
down in intersections due to local changes in the chemoattractant gradient, which
matches our in vivo phenotypes. Importantly, we observed that migration delays in
response to modified chemoattractant levels could be rescued by manipulating the
tissue geometry, which strongly suggests that chemoattractant concentrations can be
buffered by tissue architecture. In characterizing these phenotypes, I updated and
improved upon published live-imaging methods to culture egg chambers and
visualize border cells over the full course of migration. I also came up with novel
mounting strategies that allowed for efficient and reproducible characterization of
fluorescently-tagged signals in live egg chambers. These strategies allowed us to
visualize the tagged chemoattractant, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor/Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor-Related Factor 1 (PVF1) and characterize its distribution
in the border cell migratory domain of live egg chambers for the first time in the field.
Finally, we demonstrate that the Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan (HSPG) and
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) component, Perlecan, plays a role in border cell
migration, potentially by modulating PVF1 function. Overall, this body of work
shows that in vivo tissue architecture can affect the distribution and function of
important signaling molecules, with consequences for essential developmental
processes, like cell migration. Funding: NSF-IOS 2303857 & NSF-NIGMS 1953423.