A11yFutures: Envisioning the Future of Accessibility Research





Citation of Original Publication

Mankoff, Jennifer, Kelly Avery Mack, Jason Wiese, Kirk Andrew Crawford, and Foad Hamidi. “A11yFutures: Envisioning the Future of Accessibility Research.” In Proceedings of the 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 1–4. ASSETS ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1145/3597638.3615652.


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The future of accessibility research is a topic we take up every day as researchers; yet it is important also to step back and ask ourselves about the most important, and overlooked, areas for inquiry in our field. With the rapid pace of change in both computational capabilities and the environmental, social, and political context in which disability plays out, we believe this is a critical time for such inquiry. This is even more important given the relatively narrow set of topics that accessibility research has focused on for most of our field’s history. We invite our community to come together to define what the next generation of accessibility research should engage with.