Forms of Tranquility


Author/Creator ORCID




Hood College Art & Archaeology


MFA in Ceramic Arts

Citation of Original Publication


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States


ABSTRACT In an increasingly complex world, the connection between nature and the feeling of tranquility is explored through the creation of abstract biomorphic porcelain sculptures. The act of sculpting the nature-inspired forms in the isolation of the studio serves as the first layer of connection between the possible calming effects of nature and of the resulting sculpture. Inspiration from ordered organic structures and fractal patterns found in nature can be seen in the porcelain sculptures, which can evoke a sense of calmness when appreciating the order that can be observed in nature. The research in Forms of Tranquility seeks to understand and explore the connection between the feeling of serenity, nature, abstract biomorphic sculpture, the viewer, and the act of sculpting