The Fact of Whiteness: Female


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My creative writing thesis poetry collection covers a variety of issues currently in public discourse and is written using different conventions. The poems touch on motherhood/feminism, religion, LGBTQ issues, bullying, substance abuse, technology/social media, race, and income inequality. Some poems have a serious tone, others are more humorous. Most are free verse, but a few have structured stanzas, rhyme schemes, and other traditional poetic elements. A couple of selections experiment with form. American society today seems more divided than it ever has been in my lifetime. I think it is important for art to address this post-9/11, post-2016 election, social media-fueled confluence of circumstances, hopefully in a way that points to our similarities rather than our often fear-inspired differences. My poetry is an attempt to present alternative voices and ways of understanding how well-meaning people can come to vastly different conclusions about events, others, and life in general as a result of their different histories. I have also written a couple of more personal poems to deep-dive into my particular experience in the wider culture. Above all, I have tried to provide an authentic, clear poetic voice to add to the complicated political, cultural, and societal debates of today.