Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New Approach for Mangrove Classification
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Osei Darko, P.; Kalacska, M.; Arroyo-Mora, J.P.; Fagan, M.E. Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New Approach for Mangrove Classification. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2604. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/rs13132604
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Hyperspectral remote sensing across multiple spatio-temporal scales allows for mapping and monitoring mangrove habitats to support urgent conservation efforts. The use of hyperspectral imagery for assessing mangroves is less common than for terrestrial forest ecosystems. In this study, two well-known measures in statistical physics, Mean Information Gain (MIG) and Marginal Entropy (ME), have been adapted to high spatial resolution (2.5 m) full range (Visible-Shortwave-Infrared) airborne hyperspectral imagery. These two spectral complexity metrics describe the spatial heterogeneity and the aspatial heterogeneity of the reflectance. In this study, we compare MIG and ME with surface reflectance for mapping mangrove extent and species composition in the Sierpe mangroves in Costa Rica. The highest accuracy for separating mangroves from forest was achieved with visible-near infrared (VNIR) reflectance (98.8% overall accuracy), following by shortwave infrared (SWIR) MIG and ME (98%). Our results also show that MIG and ME can discriminate dominant mangrove species with higher accuracy than surface reflectance alone (e.g., MIG–VNIR = 93.6% vs. VNIR Reflectance = 89.7%).