Craving to the past
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Hood College Department of Art and Archaeology
Ceramic Arts (MFA)
Citation of Original Publication
Ceramics is one of the most ancient industries throughout civilised human culture. A new level of civilization was born once human beings discovered the advantage of firing clay to produce functional cookware. The invention of cookware led to forms of vessels for specific and multi-purpose use. As early cultures began to understand and control the ceramic process, the development of high-quality porcelain created a symbol of status in cultures and religions. During the period that the Silk Road flourished, the marketing of ceramic works between countries increased the popularity and value of porcelain. Chinese porcelain influenced the decoration techniques of Arab and European artists. The research for my thesis led me to create composite forms inspired by pottery of China and artists of Arabia. This study will highlight the decorations used in mosques and Hijaz architecture on developed vase surfaces. I will expand the scope of my aesthetic knowledge as a ceramic artist by utilizing several surface decorations.