Measuring Software Security Using Improved CWE Base Scores





Citation of Original Publication

"Nourin, Sabrina Mamtaz, George Karabatis and Foteini Cheirdari Argiropoulos. Measuring Software Security Using Improved CWE Base Scores. Proceedings of the CIKM 2021 Workshops, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, November 1-5, 2021."


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Increasing the security of a software system by decreasing the number of its vulnerabilities has been a major objective of any organization. Therefore, it is important to identify a measure that indicates the security level of the software system. This paper presents a scoring method to measure the security posture of a software system. This novel scoring method for Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)s considers semantic information in order to increase the accuracy of the score and provides a better outlook of the security posture of a software system using full automation.