Design Automation of Series Resonance Clocking in 14-nm FinFETs





Citation of Original Publication

Challagundla, Dhandeep, Ignatius Bezzam and Riadul Islam. "Design Automation of Series Resonance Clocking in 14-nm FinFETs" Springer Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (CSSP) 2021.


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Power-performance constraints have been the key driving force that motivated the microprocessor industry to bring unique design techniques in the past two decades. The rising demand for high-performance microprocessors increases the circuit complexity and data transfer rate, resulting in higher power consumption. This work proposes a set of energy recycling resonant pulsed flip-flops to reuse some of the dissipated energy using series inductor-capacitor (LC) resonance. Moreover, this work also presents wideband clocking architectures that use series LC resonance and an inductor tuning technique. By employing pulsed resonance, the switching power dissipated is recycled back. The inductor tuning technique aids in reducing the skew, increasing the robustness of the clock networks. This new resonant clocking architecture saves over 43% power and 90% reduced skew in clock tree networks and saves 44% power and 90% reduced skew in clock mesh networks, clocking a range of 1-5 GHz frequency, compared to conventional primary-secondary flip-flop-based clock networks. Implementation of resonant clock architectures on standard clock network benchmarks depicts 66% power